Filipina Skin Whitening Glutathione as Skin Whitener

Filipina Skin Whitening - Glutathione as Skin Whitener

Jessica Soho: When it comes to skin whitening most of us won’t want to be left behind, that is why it’s selling fast here, the products that are promising us to have whiter skin. That is the reason why it seems that it’s like a gift from heaven these products with whitening side effects. The question is- is this really safe when you can also get a fake one? According to some studies, 45% or 4-5 among ten Filipinos believe that it is beautiful to have fair skin. Because of this, we have come up with an experiment. Is it really true that most Filipino are in favor of those with whiter skin? Our accomplice is Dari and Angela. If you would look at them closely, you can see that they both look pretty, but looking at their skin, you will see the big difference. Dari skin is fair.

Dari: Of course you have more admirers when you have fair skin.

Jessica Soho: Angela got brown complexion.

Angela: Brown complexion is the trademark of a true Filipina.

Jessica Soho: We brought these two girls on one part of Manila and here we will ask the people passing by who’s prettier than Dari and Angela.

Person 1. I prefer the 2nd one because she looks more attractive and beautiful.

Person 2. The brown complexion cause it’s the natural color of a Filipina.

Person 3. The one with fair skin cause she looks neat and clean.

Person 4. Dark skin.

Person 5. White, because its beautiful, looks clean.

Person 6. The girl with white skin, more attractive, and she have more appeal.

Jessica Soho: Among the ten people we interviewed, 7 of them chose Dari. It’s true that many of us want to have fairer skin. And with that, there have been many different methods of whitening, like whitening soap, and now the most famous that we have is glutathione. You will see many billboards and different ads, there is glutathione soap, and the most popular of them all, glutathione capsules. They say that drinking some of these can help you achieved the desired white skin. Young star Pauleen Luna, already have flawless skin, and still take glutathione.

Pauleen Luna: You can’t avoid it sometimes you go to a party and the next day you feel sluggish. But then when I started using this and my friends as well, it was ok.

Jessica Soho: But its not just celebrity who is taking glutathione, one of the people who are riding the trend now is Joy, restaurant manager. She said that it is very important to have pleasing personality with the kind of job that she have. That is the reason she tried to use glutathione. Her dark, dry and uneven skin tone lightens up?

Joy: Before my skin was not like this, when I tried it, although the effect is not that white, but still, there are changes.

Jessica Soho: But Joy is using inject able glutathione. She takes 3 injections in a week. She endures the pain to the glory of having white skin.

Joy: I am not that scared when it comes to needles, and because it is scheduled, no matter how busy you are, you have to show up for your appointment, that is why I choose to take injections.
Jessica Soho: Actually, it is only the side effect of glutathione that it whitens the skin of those who are taking it, because the main effect of these is being anti oxidant. It helps in removing those that we call free radicals or toxins in our bodies.
Kyla,the RNB Princess, with hair raising voice, like many singers suffers also from throat problems.

Kyla: Because we sing and sing etcetera sometimes the throat gets tired.

Jessica Soho: The doctor’s prescription is glutathione.

Kyla: It seems that my skin is glowing, I don’t know but I feel better, cause since its anti oxidant I feel my system is clean or something.

Jessica Soho: She got more beautiful skin but most of all her throat gets well.
Charnion,a 31y/o teacher, suffering from lymphoma cancer said that he’s been suffering for more than 10 years from his sickness, and because he’s taking too many medicines, his liver almost gave up. The doctor recommended glutathione for him.

Charnion: I believe so that glutathione still helps me because I’m only taking glutathione and the vitamin c, the 1000 mg vegetarian tablet vitamin c which is rich in anti oxidant.

Jessica Soho: He said that he now feels better and that he got nicer skin also.

Charnion: I started using glutathione only when they said that it’s a good anti oxidant and it causes immune booster, and of course with my job, of course with actual demos, it is a little bit stressful so you really have to boost your immune system for that.

Jessica Soho: But according to Dr.Chipina Ocampo of Philippine Dermatological Society, it’s not true that everyone who takes glutathione can get whiter skin.

Dr: Probably u can only say 50% of the time you can get whiter skin, when I prescribe glutathione for patients, most patients when they come to me they ask me, I want to take glutathione to have fair skin will I really get it? And I always tell them no, it’s not a guarantee but it is safe to take it, if u want to try it.

Jessica Soho: Because that glutathione is now very well known, many tried to imitate it.
In fact, it is now widely distributed in the market. It has reached our knowledge that in Baclaran they are selling counterfeit glutathione. We bought the said medicines. And when we looked at the list of the approved glutathione of BFAD or Bureau of Food and Drugs, its not registered or approved. The problem is it would be dangerous if this is taken.

Lourdes Santiago, OIC(BFAD): So this, just by looking at it, I already knows that this is not registered with us because BFAD will not allow that it would be labeled like these. If we get proof that they are really selling unregistered products, they might loose their license, which is called the revocation of license to operate.

Jessica Soho: Mabel a victim of fake glutathione said she watched it in a TV commercial. And because of her desire of whiter skin, she bought it. After taking a few capsules of fake glutathione, Mabel experience allergic reaction.

Mabel: I was surprised when I was taking that product, that slowly I can see it’s sprouting out of my face then it gets darker and darker. When I can’t stand it anymore because people started to notice and asking what happen to my face, I stopped using it.

Jessica Soho: She consulted the doctor at once and found out that the products she bought got a fake glutathione in it.

Mabel: I did not expect that this would be the effect on me, cause before I only get this product from a person and then the next time I bought two 60 capsules on TV, I ask them to deliver and then this happened to me.

Jessica Soho: The same thing happened to Jv, twenty four years old, because of wanting whiter skin, he tried to buy glutathione even if he knows that these brands have no permit from BFAD.

Jv: Why I am not getting whiter skin, why does it seem that the effect of the product is the other way around?

Jessica Soho: He used the glutathione for two months but he gets pimples and he gained weight.

Jv: I said I like my looks better before compared to now cause before I am slim and my color is ok I got fair skin but now I am dark, really dark..

Jessica Soho: At this time the scientist is still researching for other kinds of illness that glutathione can treat. So before we purchase whatever kinds of medicines we must always make sure that it is safe to take it. Because, not only having whiter skin or beauty rely on this but also our safety.

If you are searching for a fast, safe, effective and non-invasive skin whitening treatment, then you need try some of the all natural skin whitening remedies from HERE. They are all made from ingredients right from your own kitchen or at your local store, they have no side effects and they will clear your skin of those dark patches and dark spots in only few weeks!

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